Save the

NestStory provides the tools and expertise to help busy biologists and organizations be as good stewards to their data as they are to their animals.

Cherish everything

Your nests last a season.
Their data is forever.

Collect it

more simply.

Whether you use NestStory live in the field or from the comfort of the office, NestStory provides simple, intuitive tools to collect and compile oodles of nesting data including stats, histories, notes, locations, and photos; accurately and effortlessly.

Inspect it

more efficiently.

NestStory’s workspace is a robust reporting and visualization engine built on top of a convenient, flexible, digital data format. Manage your teams live from the field, or find and view tiny needles in haystacks of nesting data with less effort than you ever imagined.

Protect it

more securely.

NestStory is a completely private habitat for your data, protected by state of the art security and disaster recovery protocols. The NestStory data system speaks all languages so you can export, merge, and share your data with any other platform or system.

They're your stories

Tailored to your team.

NestStory is easily configured to work with any species, any habitat, and any organization. It was built with the understanding that every organization, every biologist, and every survey is unique.

Infinitely customizable.

The only limit to what NestStory can collect and organize for you is your imagination. All of NestStory’s powerful tools can be configured to match any data sheet or requirement. And if they can’t, we can build something special, just for you.

Totally private.

Each NestStory is a totally private system owned by you. Powerful administrative features allow you to grant or deny access to your NestStory data to other team members or collaborators.

NestStory represents the most transformative change in data collection and management for us.

Not only is field monitoring considerably more efficient and easier with it, but everything, including mapping, band resight, and abundance/productivity data is wonderfully integrated on one platform both in a real time context and for long-term data management.”

Todd Pover

Senior Wildlife Biologist
Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey

Why NestStory?

Read a short introduction to NestStory to learn what it does and why it does what it does the way it does!

trusted by leaders in conservation everywhere

So, what's your story?

Contact us today to get started with your very own NestStory. We can get you started so fast it's scary.

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